Karetao-puoro | Musical Figures

Wednesday 05 June 2024 - mid 2026
Te Huka a Tai Discovery Centre Mana Whenua Level 4
Free entry
Tamariki mā come see three karetao-puoro - instruments that are figures too.
Musical atua
These three taonga puoro are also karetao - moving figures. Tūpuna made taonga like these.
Tāwhirimātea is the atua of winds. His instrument is a whirling pūrerehua and it makes a furious noise!
Hineraukatauri is the atua of flute music. Her instrument is a pūtōrino a type of flute and through it she sings a sad song.
Tangaroa and Hinemoana
Meet Tangaroa and Hinemoana atua of the ocean and shell instruments. Tangaroa is on one side and Hinemoana on the other. The conch-shell instrument is a pūpakapaka.
When a musician blows into the conch shell you can hear the breath of the ocean.
Times: Open every day 10am-6pm (except Christmas Day)
❊ Where ❊
Museum of New Zealand | Te Papa Tongarewa View Venue
55 Cable Street Wellington New Zealand Map
✆ Venue: +64 (04) 381 7000 | Event:
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