Troll |

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊ 2022 ‧ 1h 41m )
Deep in the Dovre mountain something gigantic wakes up after a thousand years in captivity. The creature destroys everything in its path and quickly approaches Oslo.
Cast: Ine Marie Wilmann Kim Falck Mads Sjøgård Pettersen
Release date: 30 November 2023
Official Trailer

5.9/10 IMDB
While light on narrative it's when director Roar Uthaug embraces the film's monster that Troll reveals its magic.
Troll is a fun jaunt through the Norweigan countryside filled with a path of destruction that's very much like a Kaiju film. As a casual watch this is decent and entertaining but it's not memorable or lasting
A great piece of unassuming monster mayhem a refreshingly Nordic take on tropes and cliches that Hollywood has mined to the point of exhaustion over the years.
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