

Eight years after a plague killed all men, three women who run a dairy farm accidentally run over the last surviving male human on the planet in this darkly funny, dystopian series. Made with the support of NZ On Air.

In a world where a viral plague has wiped out the majority of men, three friends who live on a New Zealand dairy farm have a fateful encounter with what could be the last living man on earth.

This black comedy is the brainchild of Perlina Lau, J.J Fong, Ally Xue, and director Roseanne Liang, four Kiwi Asian women making headway in diversifying New Zealand's screen industry. The series premiered in 2021, ironically after the COVID-19 pandemic impacted production in 2020.

One of the show's strengths is how each woman has a distinct well-written character. Lau's Pip is optimistic yet naive, and ever so eager to please the leaders of the Wellness organization that now runs the country in lieu of the former government. Fong's Jamie is an excellent exploration of substantial grief and perseverance.

And rounding our the trio is Xue's Alex, who is the perfect embodiment of chaotic good and a freedom advocate who's an outspoken critic of the Wellness organization. Watchers of Creamerie might notice some familiar faces with Rachel House, of Thor: Ragnarökand Jojo Rabbit fame, and Jay Ryan, who audiences will recognize as grown-up Ben in IT: Chapter Two, joining the cast.

Lau, Fong, Xue, and Liang are also the founders of Flat3 productions, the production company behind Creamerie, whose flagship series Flat3 has three seasons, all available on YouTube and Vimeo. Creamerie is currently available for streaming on Hulu.

❊ When ❊

Happens: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


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